Illness Podcasts

Jenae Nelson: From Homeless to Finding My Home with God is not just a faith moment. It is the process that comes after the conversion story. As an agnostic and homeless sixteen-year-old, Jenae decided to search for her biological father. When she met him for the first...

Tyler: A Stanford Oncologist Shares About the Evolution of His Faith

  An Oncologist and Professor at The Stanford Cancer Center, Tyler discusses how understanding the complicated reality of a life of faith, including dealing with church history, is similar to being vaccinated. He discusses how confronting complexity head-on, even...

Bill: An Attorney’s Insights About the Burden of Proof and Weighing Evidence

As a trial lawyer, Bill has a unique perspective about using the concept of the burden of proof when doing religious research. Drawing on their years of legal experience, Elder Hafen and Bill discuss how to weigh evidence and listen to both sides as a juror might in a court case. Bill also shares how his battle with cancer expanded the strength of revelatory evidence in his life.