Leif Mattsson (Sweden): Research Helped Me Nurture My Faith and Nurture Others

For Leif Mattsson, building the kingdom has meant not only appreciating his heritage of faith and walking three miles to church when he was a child, but also finding out for himself that what his ”grandfather and father and mother knew and felt was true.” His father counseled him and his three brothers: “You have to get your own testimony” so he did. As a young college student in the 60’s, he took the initiative to ask his religion professors at BYU about church history and Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Appreciating the legacy of faith in his family has also meant learning to offer more empathy to those in his family who have struggled or who have left the church. He has sensed how much pain they have experienced as they have “felt like we have turned our backs on them.” Leif says he now, “gives less advice and listens more” in order to preserve the relationships and help them feel that he loves them.